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Different Profit Amount between Sales Report Product & Detail

To know different profit amount between sales report by product and sales report detail

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a year ago

Why is the nominal profit in the Sales Report by Products differ from the Sales Report Details?

Different Profit Amount between Sales Report Product & Detail

In the reports menu, several tabs present you with the reports and data analysis related to sales transactions that have occurred. Each of these tabs also provides reports based on each need, for example: to check Products sold, profits, Detailed Sales Reports, etc.

What we want to discuss now is profit and another calculation between Sales Report by Product is different from the Sales Report Detail. The explanation will be informed below :

Table of Content :

I. Sales Report by Product

The sales Report by Product may not be as complete as the Sales Report Detail, because the sales report by the product does not display and calculate the discount amount given during the transaction.

II. Sales Report Detail

The Sales report from the Details tab is more actual because if there is a sale that has a discount, the sales will automatically be adjusted to the discount given.

For example, I try to make a sales transaction of Rp. 100.000, - with a discount of Rp. 10.000, -. If the case is like this, the sales report of the Products tab will still display Sales of Rp. 100.000,-. Meanwhile, if we access it from the Details tab, it will be explained in more detail and the actual total Sales is Rp. 90.000,-.

Invoice Detail

Sales Report by Products tab :

Sales Report by Products

Sales Report Detail tab :

Sales Report Detail

III. Conclusion

Sales reports from the Products tab may be used to monitor the number of products sold. Meanwhile, the sales report from the Details tab can be used to view total sales with details such as profit, tax, discount, etc.

You might also like to read these articles below :

  • For tax calculations on DealPOS transactions, you can check this article Profit Tax Calculation

  • If you want to see returned products, you can check this article Report Sales Return

  • If you want to see a sales report with the most sold products, maybe you can check the steps in this article Reports Product Sold


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