I. Application Requirement for User Device
This requirement applies to user computers/laptops that will perform product input using RFID hardware. If you have more than one device, it means you have to set up all of those devices.
Step 1. Install .NET SDK 8.0
The first step to use the RFID Machine is downloading the .NET SDK v8.0 Application, do not use the other version of the application. You should download the application at the following link NET SDK v8.0 Install the application to continue the steps.
Step 2. Download & Open RFID MIDDLEWARE
To install the Middleware ECR on the cashier device, you should download the application at the following link RFID FILE or you can download the application at the end of this article, please scroll down to the bottom to download.
Open the downloaded file then extract it before opening the ECRMiddleware.exe
Step 3. Check Middleware ECR
Beforehand, you need to install the HTTPS certificate first via the command prompt.
Run the "dotnet dev-certs https --trust" on the command prompt.
After that command is successfully installed, then open the EXE file & ensure the application is opened and displays
Step 4. Check RFID Middleware Connection
Open any web browser, then click this link to check the connection ECR Middleware Test Connection.
If you see this screen, it means the RFID Middleware has successfully connected.
If you get a Connection error is not private, do the following steps
Click the Advanced button.
Process to the link.