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Add Sales Group

The sales group aims to distinguish one salesperson from another, where usually each salesperson gets a different commission.

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

Sales group functions when you have several group categories in the distribution of commissions in your company such as, Senior Sales, Junior Sales, and Sales Training. It will help you to categorize your distribution of commissions because there will be a couple or more categories of sales. Later their commissions can be adjusted based on the group from which they are chosen.

I. Add Sales Group

Step 1. Go to Contacts, Click More Menu, then Select Sales (Group)

Sales Group Menu

Step 2. Click Add Button

Add Sales Group

Step 3. Fill in Sales Group Detail, then Click Save

Fill name and sales group description then save.

Fill in Sales Group Detail

II. Assign Sales Person to Group

Step 1. Go to Contacts (Sales Person), then Select Any Sales

Edit the salesperson you want to assign to the sales group.

Edit Sales Person

Step 2. Choose Sales Group, then Click Save

Assign Sales Person to the Group

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