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Incentive For Trainer

How to give incentives to doctor / therapist / trainer

Maristella avatar
Written by Maristella
Updated over a week ago

If you want to give incentives to your doctor/therapist/trainer each time they treat your customers, DealPOS currently has these incentive features. Your doctor/therapist/trainer will get an incentive based on each point the customer uses. The following are the steps you can follow.

I. Setting Incentive Treatment

Step 1. Go to Prepaid Package, then Click More Menu

Prepaid Package More Menu

Step 2. Choose Prepaid Type Setup

Choose Prepaid Type Setup

Step 3. Click Add

Add Prepaid Type

Step 4. Input Prepaid Type Form, then Click Save

Input Prepaid Type Form


Don't forget to fill Incentive Point for the trainer.

Step 5. Check Prepaid Type on List

Prepaid Type

II. Check Incentive Trainer / Doctor

Step 1. Go to Prepaid Package, then Click More Menu

Prepaid Package More Menu

Step 2. Select Prepaid - Doctor Statistics

Select Prepaid - Doctor Statistics

Step 3. View Doctor Inventive Points

View Doctor Inventive Points

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