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Generate Manufacture Input

How to perform the manufacturing process with Adding the Output

Ridho Alamsyah avatar
Written by Ridho Alamsyah
Updated over a year ago

Manufacture is a feature of producing finished goods from raw materials using tools, equipment, production machines, and so on on a large production scale. DealPOS has provided a feature to run the manufacturing production.

Generate Manufacture Input feature will be useful if the user wants their products to be processed first from raw materials. This article will explain how to generate the inputs in the manufacturing process. With these features, you can split raw products into pieces.

I. Configuration

Step 1. Select Setup, then Click More Menu

More Setup Menu

Step 2. Choose AddOns Configuration

AddOns Configuration

Step 3. Choose Tab Manufacture, then Choose Material Mode

Material Mode for Manufacturing

II. Create Manufacture Product Type

Step 1. Create a Whole Product and Pieces Product

Create Manufacture Product Type

Notes :

The manufactured product type is used for finished goods or whole products, the standard product type is used as the material needed for the manufactured product

Step 2. Edit Manufactured Product

Select the component of the manufactured product through the product editor.

Edit Manufactured Product

Step 3. Add the Component of the Manufactured Product

Add the Component of the Manufactured Product

III. Add Manufacture Job Order

Step 1. Go to Manufacture Menu, then Create New Job Order

Add new manufacture, insert a whole product to output, then click the submit button.

Create New Job Order

Step 2. Execute the Job Order Plan from Job Order List

Execute the Job Order Plan

Notes :

If you want the manufacturing process to work without executing plans, then try changing the flow to instant.

Step 3. Try to Check Product Inventory

Try to Check Product Inventory

Notes :

The inventory of products in the Input form will be dropped and the inventory output form will be increased.

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