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Update COA Balance

Menu function to update balance of Chart of Account

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

Menu to find out all of COA with value and if there are different causes rounding you can correct the balance just by clicking button process. Companies use a chart of accounts (COA) to organize their finances and give interested parties, such as investors and shareholders, a clearer insight into their financial health.

The following steps as below :

Step 1. Go to Tools Menu then Update COA Balance

Tools - COA Balance

Step 2. Click Process Button

Update COA Balance - Process

Step 3. Success Notification

Update COA Balance - Process - Notification (Success)

Step 4. Results Corrected Coa Balance

Update COA Balance - Process - Corrects

Notes :

It will be automatically corrected on COA balance after refresh.

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