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Manual Journal

Accomodated places for transactions that created from POS or added manually

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

DealPOS has a POS system that is integrated with Accounting each transaction will automatically record on the journal in the Accounting system. But there are some transactions that require manual recording, such as: as General expenses and other income The steps to create a journal manual are as follows:

Step 1. Go to Journal and choose Manual Journal then click Add

Click the Journal Menu then select Journal Manual and press the "Add" button to create a Manual Journal.

Manual Journal - Add manual Journal

Step 2. Input to Manual Journal form then Save

After you press the "Add" button you will be directed to the Journal Forms.

Manual Journal - Input manual Journal and Save




Outlet which transactions come from


Date of transaction

Journal Number

Journal Number is sorted automatically by the system but can be changed according to your wishes. Journal Number is useful if you want to track the Manual Journal you created.


Input Contact works if you want to enter Customers or Suppliers into the Journal that you created. Example: You want to keep an AR journal to a customer registered


Select the account to be recorded as a debit or as a credit


Note for Account in use


Add a new column account


Input by using CSV file


Exchange nominal debit positions to credit or vice versa

More Options


Example :

I bought equipment for outlet 1 for a total of Rp. 2,000,000.00 using a Cash payment of Rp. 1,000,000.00 with the remainder of the payment using debt and I will record it with journal number 06479.

Step 3. Manual Journal Listed

After you press the save button the system will automatically create a journal in accordance with what you input in the Journal form. A confirmation will appear that the Manual Journal was successfully inputted.

Manual Journal - Manual Journal Listed

You might also like to read this article :

  • If you want to input revenue which not come from POS, you can check this article for the detailed steps : Receive Money

  • In contrast, to Receive Money, Pay money is helpful for recording your expenses, the details can be checked in this article : Pay Money

  • More collection about accounting : Accounting Collection


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