Seize the opportunity for smart shopping! Enjoy special discounts with discounted prices coupons. Explore our latest marketing strategies to enhance the profitability of your shopping experience. Coupons may be subject to limitations such as periods, specific customers, and designated outlets (if you have more than one outlet).
Learn more in the article below!
I. Generate Coupon
Step 1. Go to Promotion (Coupon), then Click Add
Step 2. Choose Generate Type
You can generate coupons using two different systems, manually and automatically.
Automatic Generated
In this automatically generated type, the system will generate the coupon code; users simply need to input the total number of coupons they want to create and the number of digits for the coupon code.
Step 3. Choose Coupon Type
Choose coupon type "Discount Amount - Gift Voucher".
Step 4. Fill Discount Amount Form
As an example, I filled with 10.000 for a discount.
Step 5. Set Coupon Usage Limit, Start Date, & Expired Date
Column | Description |
Usage Limit | Add coupon usage limit (Fill "0" for Unlimited) |
Start Date | Add start date for coupon activation |
Expired date | Add expired date coupon (Blank = No Expiration) |
Description | Add a coupon description (If Needed) |
Notes :
The start date and expiry date are optional; you can set them or leave them blank.
Step 6. Set Coupon Restriction (Optional)
You can restrict the coupon to be used only at specific outlets, by specific customers, and with other limitations. These restrictions are optional, so they can be implemented or not, depending on the store's system.
Column | Description |
Outlet | Choose which outlet can apply the promotion coupon |
Customer | Select which customer can apply the promotion coupon |
Minimum Spending Amount | Set minimum spending amount to apply coupon |
Step 7. Save Promotion
In this instance, let's simulate creating a coupon with a 10.000 discount, using the coupon code 10K-OFF, and the coupon is limited by several restrictions (as shown in the image).
Step 8. Check New Coupon
II. Use a Coupon for Sales Transaction
Make sure you have chosen the appropriate outlet, and customer, and have completed the other coupon requirements based on the coupon restrictions that have been set in advance.
Step 1. Go to Sell, then Make Sales Transaction
Step 2. Click More Actions, then Choose Coupon
Step 3. Input Coupon Code, then Click Ok
Step 4. Pay Transaction
The coupon is applied and then complete the transaction.
Step 5. Check Coupon Usage in Invoice Detail
[Tutorial Video] Promotion Coupon - Discount Amount
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