DealPOS will keep updating the version to improve the quality and experience of its users. Several features have been improved in this version update, including bug fixes, feature improvements, etc. To learn more about the updates we make, you can subscribe to receive notifications when new updates/versions are released, so you can see what changes we made. For detailed steps, you can check the explanation below :
Step 1. Go to DealPOS Change Log
You can click the 'Subscribe to updates button.
Step 2. Input Email to Subscribe
The email entered will be given a notification about the dealpos application update.
Step 3. Recheck Your Mailbox
You can click a new message from dealpos, and click the 'Confirm my subscription' button.
Step 4. Try to Choose Updates Type
You can choose what types of updates you want to be notified of via email.
[Tutorial Video] Get Notification on DealPOS
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