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Create Fulfillment (Pick, Pack, and Ship)
Create Fulfillment (Pick, Pack, and Ship)

How to assign a Delivery Task to another outlet with Fulfillment Menu

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over 11 months ago

If you have a business with multiple outlets or branches that need to deliver the items to customers, you may use the Fulfillment feature to assign a task to the Cashier / Delivery teams for each Outlet to pack the orders. If you also receive an order from Marketplace, you can still use this feature to assign a task for delivery. Read the steps below to sell products with fulfillment.

I. Create Fulfillment (Pick Status)

The back office admin can use this menu to give a task to the cashier or delivery team, such as picking up goods from the warehouse and packing them.

Step 1. Go to Fulfillment, then Click New

Create new fulfillment


To create new fulfillment, make sure you have an unsent customer invoice. The user couldn't send fulfillment from order detail (orders menu) anymore if the fulfillment status is Pick.

Step 2. Input Invoice Number to View the Unsend Products

Pick form

A dropdown will display the last twenty invoices with a later fulfillment method.

You can also search for other invoices by typing the invoice number, invoice details won't appear if you input the invoice that was sent or if you type the wrong invoice number.

Step 3. Set the Sender Outlet Location from Each Product

Fulfillment from outlet

The products in the customer invoice will appear once you click the invoice number on the previous screen. Select "Choose a warehouse" in the Fulfillment section, to see the availability of products in each outlet.

Step 4. Submit Packing Slip and add Notes, then Click Save

Submit packing slip

A Packing Slip is also called a Receipt Card. You can upload the receipt card that you downloaded from the marketplace. A packing slip and additional notes can be emptied

Step 5. Fulfillment Picklist was Successfully Created

Picklist success

This picklist will show you all the unfulfilled products that need to be packed by you or other users. Users can edit fulfillment by clicking on the invoice number. Make sure your cashier/delivery teams have access to view & edit fulfillment.

II. Assign Products (Optional)

Assign products can be used if you want to assign some users to pack the products from the pick list.

Step 1. Tick Invoices on the Pick List, then Click the Assign Button

Assign list

Step 2. Choose User to Assign to Pack Product, then Click Ok

Assign pick to users

Step 3. Fulfillment was Assigned

There will be a toaster that indicates the assigned success.

Assign success

Step 4. Recheck the Assigned Product

Assigned list

The product from the outlet Consignment needs to be packed by the manager user. Because we assign the task to the manager user. After the manager succeeds in doing the packing, they need to tick on the assigned list and click the Pack button. This step is optional, you can also directly pack the product without assigning the task to other users.

III. Pack Products

After you succeed in proceeding with the unfulfilled product to the pick list or assigning the pick list to certain users, your user and/or the assigned user can proceed to the next step called pack list. This pack list will show you the product that has been packed from the previous step (pick or assigned). To pack the products you can follow the steps below:

Step 1. Tick Invoice Number on Pick or Assigned List, then Click Pack

Pack from the pick list :

Pack from picklist

Pack from the assigned list :

Pack from assigned list

Step 2. Click OK, then Recheck Fulfillment on Pack List

Pack succed

Notes :

Click the 'Pack' button if you have packed the order and it is ready to be shipped.

Step 3. Recheck Fulfillment Status

Fulfillment from the picklist or the assigned list has been moved into the pack list.

Recheck Fulfillment Status

Notes :

  1. Users can delete or do other actions to the fulfillment by ticking the checkbox behind the Outlet Column. Try to see the image below.

  2. The check box feature also supports performing the same action on several different fulfillments

Tick to Ship

III. Ship Products

The Pack list displays products that were ready to be sent or have been picked up by the logistics courier. Try to check packed fulfillment on the pack list before shipping it. Read the following steps for shipping products.

Step 1. Tick Invoice on the Pack List, then Click Ship to Send Product

Send Product

When the product inventory is not enough, there will be a toaster that shows you products with not enough inventory to be shipped.

Not Enough Inventory to Ship Product

Step 2. The product was Shipped Successfully

The pack list invoices will be shipped and successfully sent to the customers.

Product was Shipped Successfully

Product stock that has been shipped will deduct the outlet stock for a certain product and will change the invoice status to sent. If you want to make a customer invoice and the products are being sent from another outlet, you can use the fulfillment feature using Deal POS to determine which outlets are going to send the products to the customer.

Step 3. Recheck All Fulfillment Record

Try to check all of the fulfillment statuses by clicking tab all.

Recheck All Fulfillment Record

[Tutorial Video] Fulfillment (Pick, Pack, & Ship)

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