When we want to send products between the Outlet or from the warehouse to the Outlet, we can use the Transfer Order in the Logistics menu. After we create a transfer order, there will be a Transfer Order report that shows the details information of the Transfer order we made. A transfer order has 2 Reports:
Transfer Order Report by Product
This report shows which products and how much the qty has been transferred between outlets
Transfer Order Detail Report
This report shows detailed information from each transfer order that has been made. It contains the Transfer Order number with a detailed list of products that have been transferred
To see where the Transfer Order Report can be seen, you can follow the steps below:
Step 1. Go to Logistics, Click More Menu, then Select Product / Detail (Transfer)
Step 2. Transfer Order Report was Opened
This is the preview of the Transfer order report by product. We can see all the products that have been sent to the Outlet and how much the quantity they received
In the Transfer Order Report by Detail, we can see the detailed information from the transfer order we made such as the Transfer order number, the Sender and receiver Outlets, the products list, and the total data from all the transfer orders
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