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Purchase Return
Purchase Return for Serialized Inventory
Purchase Return for Serialized Inventory

Explain how to return serialized products purchase.

Marissa Arnindia avatar
Written by Marissa Arnindia
Updated over a week ago

When purchasing serialized products (such as mobile phones or other electronic products with Serial Number), there may be scenarios where a buyer, need to return the goods to the supplier due to common issues such as the ordered goods not being as described or being damaged, or any other issues that may happen. We need to input the return transaction into DealPOS so we can adjust the returned stock. For the steps, you can check the explanation below:

Step 1. Go to Buy Menu - Search the Product Name

Add Item

Notes :
You can find the product name in the column or Click the button (+)

Step 2. Input Product - Ok

Enter the product name and minus quantity (-) according to the number of products you want to be returned and the serial of the product.

Purchase Return of Serial Number Product - Input QTY & Choose serial code.

Step 3. Pay

After the product is input click the Pay button to process the return.

Purchase Return of Serial Number Product - Confirm transaction

Step 4. Return Successful

After the return process is successful, you can check it back in the product variant detail information.

Purchase Return of Serial Number Product - Return Complete

You can see the change in initial stock from 1 to 0 and the returned serial number no longer exists.

Purchase Return of Serial Number Product - Inventory reduced

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