Comparative Balance

Differentiate the Value of COA balance year on year

Ryandi Ibrahim avatar
Written by Ryandi Ibrahim
Updated over a week ago

A comparative Balance report is for comparison value per COA at a certain time and is a side-by-side comparison of the entire balance sheet report of a current accounting period and a previous accounting period. A date-to-date comparison within the company helps a business owner or investor identify financial performance trends over time.

I. How to check Comparative Balance

Step 1. Go to Reports and choose Comparative Balance

Accounting - Reports - Comparative Balance

Note: also use a filter to set the range date and choose the outlet that you want to appear to

You might like to read these related articles below :

  • To know about the movement of cash in a period: Cash Flow

  • To view the report of profit and loss of your company on a period: Income Statement

  • To represent the record-keeping flow in and out of Chart of Account: General Ledger


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