If you want to send your sell transaction for each outlet to the customer as the receipt of the sales transaction, you are right to use this to help you to hide the head office if that is necessary for your business. In this feature, you can send a receipt according to each outlet.
Notes :
Every outlet has a different email.
Step 1. Go to Outlets, Select Any Outlet
Click at the outlet you want to input the email.
Step 2. Go to Advance Tab, Fill Reply to Email, Click Save
First click edit.
Go to advance then fill reply to email.
Step 3. Try to Make Sales Transaction to Recheck the Change
Every time you send an e-receipt to your customer's email the email will be sent from the email you set.
Step 4. Check Customer Email
Here, the company's email applied to the outlet will be displayed.
Related Articles:
If you wonder how to make a sales transaction, you can follow the steps in this article : How To Make Selling Transactions
You can set a quick key behavior when adding a new item to the cart, you can read the article here : Quick Key With New Row Behaviour
You can also customize your receipt template print-out. To customize and set up the receipt template, you can read this article : Customize Receipt Template for Printing
DealPOS is an online point-of-sale (POS) application specifically designed for retail businesses in categories like Fashion, Minimarkets, Electronics, Fresh Food, and Building Material Stores.
With DealPOS, you can manage both online and offline store inventory in real-time on a single platform. You can also sell through omnichannel (offline and online) as DealPOS integrates with marketplaces (Shopee, Tokopedia, TikTok Shop, Lazada) and instant web stores (Shopify and WooCommerce).