When you make a sales or purchase transaction, you may want to record the tax amount from that transaction. If you have multiple outlets within a single DealPOS account, you might apply different tax policies (such as included tax, excluded tax, or no tax). You can set a default tax for each outlet to simplify the transaction process across multiple outlets at the same time and to avoid human error when inputting transactions.
To setup default tax for each outlets, you can follow the steps below:
For the example below, We will set PPN 11% as the Default Tax for Outlet 1 - Tokyo.
Step 1. Go to Outlet Menu then Choose Outlet
Choose the outlet that you want to set its default tax.
Step 2. Click Edit
Step 3. Click Tab Default, Set Tax Type, then Click Save
Step 4. Make Sales Transaction to View the Result
Go to the Sell menu and choose Outlet 1 - Tokyo, as you can see, the tax will be set automatically at PPN 11%.
[Tutorial Video] Setup Default Tax for Each Outlets
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DealPOS is an online point-of-sale (POS) application specifically designed for retail businesses in categories like Fashion, Minimarkets, Electronics, Fresh Food, and Building Material Stores.
With DealPOS, you can manage both online and offline store inventory in real-time on a single platform. You can also sell through omnichannel (offline and online) as DealPOS integrates with marketplaces (Shopee, Tokopedia, TikTok Shop, Lazada) and instant web stores (Shopify and WooCommerce).