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Orders Log

See all transaction traffic that is made on the marketplace.

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

Marketplace Integration is one of the features that DealPOS has, so that when there is a sale transaction on the marketplace, it can be recorded into the POS and automatically generate sales reports, and can also record stock reductions from sales in the marketplace. Of course, the integration of this marketplace will make it easier to record sales reports, especially if the marketplace used to sell is more than 1 channel.

This article shows all traffic orders has made from Marketplace with status successful or failed post into DealPOS.

Step 1. Go to Logs, then Choose Sync Orders Tab

Sync Orders Tab

Index Properties :




Date created of invoice


Channel came from


Invoice status


Number of invoices


Orders status with success or failure code

You might also like to read this article :

  • If you are new to integration and want to know more about the Product menu on the Marketplace, you can access the Introduction Product Marketplace article.

  • To synchronize inventory manually, you can check the following article : Manual Inventory Synchronize

  • When there is a transaction that has not been/failed to be downloaded, you can download the manual order with the following article : Manual Download Order

If you are a retail business owner and sell products offline and online stores. you can use DealPOS to manage products, inventory, and orders on one platform. DealPOS made it easier for you to sell omnichannel. Try DealPOS for 14 days for free now :


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