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Confirm QRIS Success Transaction

How to confirm the transaction using QRIS after the invoice has been printed

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

When your store has already registered to QRIS, you must make sure that the transaction is a success. Although the receipt was printed after the transaction, there will be a small chance that the transaction is failed because from the Midtrans there's still a minimum failure rate on every transaction.

To prevent this situation, we recommend you make a Standard Operational Procedure for your cashiers to take a picture of every successful payment balance deduction using QRIS from the customer's phone when selling.

Pay with E Money

This procedure is very useful and will act as a proof when you want to claim the failed transaction from Midtrans to your bank account

To make sure if the payment from a transaction using QRIS is successful or not, you can follow the steps below :

Step 1. Go to Orders, then Select Any Customer Invoice

Generate QRIS from Invoice

You can check the notes from the transaction, and make sure the notes is having URL values. Then you have to copy the value and paste it to the Midtrans dashboard URL. Then you can go to the dashboard Midtrans by using that URL.

Open Midtrans URL

If the value from the invoice notes shows the transaction in the dashboard, then your transaction is a success.

Step 2. Go to Payment, then Choose Payment Gateway

If the transaction is a success, there will be a report about the Payment gateway used for the transactions using QRIS.

Open Payment Gateway

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