DealPOS offers a Batch Number product type, allowing users to add products with batch tracking, such as medicines (expiration date) or clothing/shoes (production date). This helps sellers prioritize items close to expiration.
Before processing a purchase, ensure you have at least one batch-numbered product available. Read this article to find out How to Add Batch-Tracking Products.
Step 1. Go to Buy then Add Product to Cart
Try to add a Batch-numbered product with the batch number that we've added before.
Step 2. Click On Product
Click anywhere on the product field, except the "bin icon" button.
Step 3. Go to Serial Tab, Input Batch Number, then Click Add
We can add multiple batch numbers. For each batch number that we type in the Serial form, we can click Enter after we type one batch number.
Step 4. Input Quantity for Each Batch, then Click Ok
We try to input 12 quantities for the first batch, and 14 quantities for the second batch. So the total of all batches is 26.
Step 5. Click Pay to Complete Transaction
Notes :
The quantity for each batch will be copied to the item description.
Step 6. Try to Check Product Inventory on Tab Serial Product
Go to the products menu, click tab Serial, then click on the Serial/Seach by Serial Code.
You can search based on the product's Serial Number in the Product menu under the Serial tab.
Related Articles
To add or reduce product quantity for batch-numbered products using the adjustment archive menu: Adjustment for Batch Tracking Product
To sell batch-tracking product type: Selling Batch Tracking Product
To find out what serialized / batch tracking product type is: Serialized / Batch Tracking Product Type
DealPOS is an online point-of-sale (POS) application specifically designed for retail businesses in categories like Fashion, Minimarkets, Electronics, Fresh Food, and Building Material Stores.
With DealPOS, you can manage both online and offline store inventory in real-time on a single platform. You can also sell through omnichannel (offline and online) as DealPOS integrates with marketplaces (Shopee, Tokopedia, TikTok Shop, Lazada) and instant web stores (Shopify and WooCommerce).