Manage your product data easily and quickly. Create or edit product data manually or in bulk.
Proposal that you send to your customers which details all the items and their prices that you are planning to sell to them
Make sales order in store with internet or without internet connection
Opening and closing register and view shift report for each cashier
View all reports of your sales and purchases at your outlets in a wide selection of various reports to help you analyze your business activities
Manage customer database, supplier and sales person, you can enter contact manually or by import
View sales order and purchase order history, You can reprint and track shipments or payments
Recorded payment receive from invoice
Check the position of stock on hand, allocated and available and track inventory movement for each products
View report for account receivable and account payable
Process Inventory Count to compare inventory on hand with inventory in system, you can enter adjust manually or by import csv file
Process of adding stock by buying products from suppliers
Manage deliveries between outlets, customers and suppliers
Fulfill your customer's order from other outlet that you have
Simple manufacturing where you can convert raw materials into finished materials
Manage product with prepaid package type, you can create, sell and using prepaid package product
We have several type of promotion such as Holiday Promotion, Buy X Get Y, Cheapest item and much more
Manage access control for each user, you can differentiate access to view, Create, Edit and Delete for each menu
Manage all the outlets you have, restriction of access to outlets, adding registers, customizing receipt templates, quick key templates and park templates
Find some additional settings such as adding payment types, taxes, transaction numbers etc.
Retain your existing customer with loyalty program
Show info about Customer Subcription
Integration with Shopee, Tokopedia, and WooCommerce to make it easier for you to manage products, inventory and orders.
Integration with cloud-based accounting software in Indonesia
Collection of tools that can be used to help resolve issues in POS
Help your customer to see their cart and total transaction amount. And give them any information about your promotions held in your outlet
Dealpos can be used in the Android version, you can use a mobile phone or tablet, just install the Dealpos application on the Google Play Store
How to get notification from dealpos about system updates
Monitor business financial reports with accounting system, we have some report such as Income statement and balance sheet
Integration with our partner program such as Tada, and Jubelio
Install hardware and software such printer thermal and remote desktop application
Connect with another apps with open API Integrations
Receive cashless payments from your customers directly from our Point of Sale application without additional devices/hardware
Twilio Integration
For interations Loyalty Apps DealPOS
How to create a new DealPOS account
How to troubleshoot DealPOS cannot be accessed