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Manage access control for each user, you can differentiate access to view, Create, Edit and Delete for each menu
User Roles DescriptionAn explanation for the User to change each user's roles
Add / Create New UserLearn how to add new user in DealPOS and group them according to the role of each user
User Sales ActivityHow to check user sales activity linked by sales person
Sign in With GoogleLog in to a DealPOS user with using google mail instead of username and password
My Profile PageLearn how to use the My profile Page menu on DealPOS
Protect Account with TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password)How to enhance user's security by using TOTP (Time-based One-time Password)
Disable 2FA AuthenticationHow to Disable 2FA with main user or another user
Forgot My Password FeatureLearn how if you forgot your user password to login to DealPOS
Setting Data Days Range for UsersSet range the data can be viewed
Sign in with Google in Mobile AppsHow to sign in with google on Dealpos mobile apps
Assign User Credential with Sales PersonHow to connect the user id with the sales person