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Collection of tools that can be used to help resolve issues in POS
Create New Products Using Tools App by Web SpreadsheetCreate new products data by direct input through web spreadsheet using tools app
Sign in with Google in Tools AppHow to sign in Tools App with Google Mail
DealPOS Tools App IntroductionExtra Features to help resolve some issues in DealPOS using
Sending EoD, EoW, and EoM Reports by MailConfigure end-of-time reports (End of Day, End of Week, or End of Month)
Copy Outlet Price to Other OutletHow to Copy Outlet Price to Another Outlet with Tools
Edit Existing Product via SpreadsheetYou can easily change your Product's information with our tools
Recalculate Sales ReportRecalculate the sales amount in the report menu by products using Tools App
Calculate Unused Loyalty Points and Expire Loyalty PointsCalculate the unused loyalty points manually and force expire the current loyalty points from all customers
Migrate Image To New Storage LocationMigrate images stored in the previous storage location (Cloudinary) to the new location (Cloudflare).
Merge Two Variants Into One Using DealPOS ToolsUsing DealPOS Tools, you can quickly and easily merge two variants into one variants
Merge Category Using DealPOS Tools AppHow to merge duplicate category
Check And Delete Product With No Variant Using DealPOS Tools AppHow to check and delete product data without variants.
Check And Merge Duplicate Variant Name With DealPOS Tools AppExplain the steps to check and merge duplicate variant names.
Increasing Outlet Price By CategoryExplain the steps to Increasing Outlet Price By Category
Renumbering Invoice NumberAssign Invoice Number All at Once
Update Single Unit Cost for Specific Customer InvoiceUpdate the unit cost from single customer invoice based on the current product's unit cost
Update Unit Cost RangeExplain the steps to update unit cost products on transactions that have occurred before
Recalculate Supplier Bill and TaxHow to recalculate for Supplier Bill with update
Edit Customer Invoice Date By Using Invoice Posted Date EditorHow to change the transaction date using the posted date editor