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Make sales order in store with internet or without internet connection
Make Sales TransactionsStart to sell just in less than 5 minutes
Make Sales Transaction with Payment LaterThis later payment is usually used when the customer buys a lot of goods and wants to ask for time for payment.
Import Bulk Product to Cart via CSVAdd multiple products to the cart for sale quickly using a CSV file upload.
Product Discount Amount CalculationFor now, DealPOS has implemented the latest system on the product discount menu
Split Payments With Two Payment Methods When Making SalesCreate a sales transactions with multiple payment methods in one customer invoice
Offline Mode for Sales Transaction on Web VersionLearn how to make a sales transactions without internet connection on the website version
Selling Serialized/Batch Number ProductHow to buy and sell serialized/batch number product type
Selling Product with Batch NumberChoose Batch Number(s) when Selling in DealPOS
Sell Product with Shipping / Fulfillment LaterHow to make transaction with fulfillment later to make the stock is reserved / allocated and how to delivery the allocated stock
Sales Transaction without Decimal QuantityHow to disallow cashier from typing decimal quantity
Register EDC Machine for DealPOSRegister your EDC machine to be able to make transactions using EDC in DealPOS
Configuration For Integrating BCA EDC Machine With DealPOSIntegrating your EDC Machine from BCA with DealPOS for automatic payment when making sales transaction.
Sales Transaction ReturnLearn how to make return transactions for customer invoices
Sales Return for Serialized ProductHow to process a sales return transaction for products with serial numbers
Create a Return Invoice as a DepositLearn how if your customer makes a return transaction but wants to store the refund amount as a store credit.
Sales Return Without Money RefundHow to make sales return transaction without money refund
Park and Retrieve for Retail BusinessLearn how to use Park and Retrieve feature for retail business type.
Park and Retrieve for Restaurant BusinessSet table/room for Restaurant Business in your DealPOS System
Quick Key With New Row BehaviorLearn how to configure New Row Behavior when add product by using Quick Key on Sell menu
View Parked Orders in the ListLearn how to see parked order in a list form that have been parked in the sell menu before.
Combining Parked Orders Into One InvoiceLearn how if there are 2 different orders in the parked orders and want to be merged as one invoice.
Re-Park and Move Order in SellLearn how to re-park an order that has a change & moves the parked order to another table
Split Bill and QuantityLearn how to make split bill or quantity for parked order.
Sell with Bundle PriceHow to bundle the prices for all of the items on the selling cart into one price
Record Logistics Services on InvoiceAdd logistics services option & record them on the sales invoice
Sell with Merge PriceHow to merge prices for all of the items on the selling cart into one item
Use Shipping or Delivery Costs on TransactionHow to input additional shipping fees or delivery costs in transactions using non-inventory product type
Split Sales CommissionSplitting product commission for the same product for each sales
Split Fulfillment Outlets for Each ProductSeparate deduct stock from the products you sell in one invoice to several outlets
Real-time notifications on the Sell menuLearn how to see the notification on Sell Menu from your website's request by using DealPOS API
Show Numeric Keypad When SellingHow to show numeric keypad for touchscreen display
Validate Inventory When Making Sales TransactionsValidating the sufficiency of product stock to be sold during the sales transaction process.
Customer Invoice Printing ConfigurationHow to setting your printing invoice display
Make Payment Note Visible on PrintingHow to display payment note on receipt
Display Coupon in Customer Invoice PrintoutShowing the promotion coupon's code in the Customer Invoice Printout
Add Copy Label On The Reprinted Customer InvoiceMark the reprinted receipt or customer invoice as a copy receipt
Show Category Product in A4 Printing PaperDisplays product category information on A4 invoices
Show QR Code on ReceiptLearn How to print QR code on customer invoice/sales receipt
Print Invoice Based on Sales Order TypePrint receipt template based on the sales order tag if you have different receipt templates in one outlet
Print Invoice without Zero Price ProductHide products with zero selling price in the Printed Customer Invoice
Connect Multiple Bluetooth Devices Into Deal POS Mobile AppHow to connect multiple bluetooth devices for DealPOS Mobile App
Additional Column in Cart (Sell Menu)To configure cart/grid column visibility when making sales transaction
Set Default Warehouse For Specific OutletDeduct Invetory from another Outlets by default
Clear Cart When Changing Customer's NameHow to emptying item cart on sell when customer name changed
Remember Order Tag from Previous InvoiceRemember the sales tag selected in the previous transaction to be used in the next transaction
Set Default Sales Type/Tag For Specific OutletsAssign Sales Order Tag into a Specific Outlet to Differentiate Sales Transaction
Disable Offline TransactionConfiguration for Disable Offline Transaction in Sell Menu
Prevent Overselling With Allocated Inventory ValidationAvoid negative Inventory by reading the available stock
Sell With Different CurrencyThis article will explain how to add currency when selling.
Sales Person Required in Sell MenuSet sales person to be required / mandatory in sell menu
Showing Product's Component in the Sell menuLearn how to display the items included in the bundled product when making a Sales Transaction
Customer Required in the Sell MenuHow to make Sell menu requires Customer Input
Products with Unit QuantityHow to sell product with dimension.
Hide Same Payment Method when Split PaymentDon't show the same payment when creating invoice so as not to choose the same payment
Add Prefix for Transaction NumberHow to differentiate initiation of customer invoices, supplier bills, adjustments and estimates.
Show Thumbnail Product Image in SellLearn how to display images of the product in the Sell menu as thumbnails.
Display Category Product on CartHow to show product category in selling cart.
Show Unit Cost at Product DialogLearn how to show and enable edit unit cost at product dialog when creating new invoices
Configuration Quick Add New Customer ButtonDisable the plus button on the sell page so can't add new customers when selling
Set Capacity Offline Product CacheHow to expand offline product cache capacity.
Set Up Digital Scale on DealPOSConfigure digital scale to connect with DealPOS
Park Configuration ExplanationExplanation about park and retrieve configuration in setup menu
Setting Up Sales & Tax RoundingConfigure rounding for taxes and total sales amount
Render Product Description in Item NoteShow product description when selling.
Tolerance AmountGiving Tolerance for differences between Invoice & Payment
Set Default Payment Option Cash or CreditHow to choose the default cash or credit payment when selling
Disable Split Payment when SellingHow to disable the split payment feature.
Show Index Number in Transaction CartGive numbers on your product when selling to track how many items in the cart by Ascending.
Open Dialog After Add Product to CartSetting to shown product dialog the chart to make editing easier
Setup the Minimum Selling PriceRestrict a user from editing sales product price in Sell menu below product cost or selling price
Add New Currencies To Enable Multi-Currency TransactionsSet up multiple currencies in DealPOS and manage transactions seamlessly.
Payment Note and Payment Code Required in DealPOS Sell MenuSteps to Configure the Requirement to Fill in Payment Note and Payment Code in the Sell Menu on DealPOS
Customer Assign Reminder When Making Sales TransactionEnable Warning Toaster if the Customer Field in the Sell Menu on DealPOS is Not Filled In