Make Sales TransactionsStart to sell just in less than 5 minutes
Make Sales Transaction with Payment LaterThis later payment is usually used when the customer buys a lot of goods and wants to ask for time for payment.
Import Bulk Product to Cart via CSVAdd multiple products to the cart for sale quickly using a CSV file upload.
Product Discount Amount CalculationFor now, DealPOS has implemented the latest system on the product discount menu
Split Payments With Two Payment Methods When Making SalesCreate a sales transactions with multiple payment methods in one customer invoice
Offline Mode for Sales Transaction on Web VersionLearn how to make a sales transactions without internet connection on the website version
Selling Serialized/Batch Number ProductHow to buy and sell serialized/batch number product type
Selling Product with Batch NumberChoose Batch Number(s) when Selling in DealPOS
Sell Product with Shipping / Fulfillment LaterHow to make transaction with fulfillment later to make the stock is reserved / allocated and how to delivery the allocated stock
Sales Transaction without Decimal QuantityHow to disallow cashier from typing decimal quantity
Register EDC Machine for DealPOSRegister your EDC machine to be able to make transactions using EDC in DealPOS
Configuration For Integrating BCA EDC Machine With DealPOSIntegrating your EDC Machine from BCA with DealPOS for automatic payment when making sales transaction.