Customer Invoice Printing ConfigurationHow to setting your printing invoice display
Make Payment Note Visible on PrintingHow to display payment note on receipt
Display Coupon in Customer Invoice PrintoutShowing the promotion coupon's code in the Customer Invoice Printout
Add Copy Label On The Reprinted Customer InvoiceMark the reprinted receipt or customer invoice as a copy receipt
Show Category Product in A4 Printing PaperDisplays product category information on A4 invoices
Show QR Code on ReceiptLearn How to print QR code on customer invoice/sales receipt
Print Invoice Based on Sales Order TypePrint receipt template based on the sales order tag if you have different receipt templates in one outlet
Print Invoice without Zero Price ProductHide products with zero selling price in the Printed Customer Invoice
Connect Multiple Bluetooth Devices Into Deal POS Mobile AppHow to connect multiple bluetooth devices for DealPOS Mobile App