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Prepaid Points Product Type
Prepaid Points Product Type

This article explains how to make a prepaid points type product.

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over 4 months ago

DealPOS has a product type called Prepaid Points. These prepaid points can be understood as points or a balance belonging to the customer, which can later be used as payment for future transactions.

When a customer wanted to deposit certain amount of money in your store, you can use the Prepaid Points product to store that money as points or a balance. These Prepaid Points will be saved internally as Loyalty Points and can be used for payment in the future transactions. The use of this Prepaid Points product requires customer data during the transaction entry.

To create Prepaid Points products and view an example of scenario using Prepaid Points, you can follow the guide below:

I. Create Prepaid Product

Step 1. Go to Products then Click Add

Add product

Step 2. Input Product Form with Prepaid Point Type, then Submit

For the example, we will make deposit product with 3 variants: 25k, 50k, and 100k.

Deposit Product

Step 3. Edit Product Variant

Click one of the product variants that you created in

Step 2, then click the Edit button.

Edit Product Variant

Step 4. Edit Form Variant then Submit

Enter the amount of Points that the customer can store as deposit. You can also enter the point validity period. Configure the "Loyalty Point Enable" as yes, "Expiration Day(s)/Month(s)" as 0 if the deposit amount cannot be expired, and click Submit

Edit Variant

II. Using Prepaid Point Product Type

Step 1. Go to Sell and Make Transaction for the Prepaid Product

On this scenario, the customer want to deposit some of his money into our Store so that the customer will be able to use the deposit amount in the future transaction.

Input the Prepaid Point Product (deposit) into the cart and click Pay.

Sell Deposit

Step 2. Check Loyalty Points on Contact Menu

Loyalty Point

The deposit amount will be stored as Loyalty Point in the customer contact data

Step 3. Go to Sell and Use the Deposit amount in the next transaction

Click the deposit point

Step 4. Input the customer name that has a deposit, and click the deposit point

Use all point

Step 5. The deposit point will be counted as discount in the transaction

Deposit Used

III. Setup Loyalty Configuration

In order to use the prepaid point as a deposit, You have to make the Loyalty Point Earn Point Amount and the Loyalty point Redeem Point Value to 1. This action is needed to make the conversion rate for the deposit amount is the same as the total amount of money that the customer stored as a deposit

Step 1. Go to Setup Menu, Click More Menu, then Choose Application

More Menu Setup

Step 2. Click Loyalty tab and set the Redeem point amount and Earn Point amount as 1

Loyalty Point Earn Point and Redeem Point

Table Properties



Data type


Earn Point Amount

The total payment amount of transactions to get one point



Maximum Earned Point / Transaction

The total maximum point that can be earned in one transaction



Redeem Point Value

The discount amount for each 1 point used



Exclusive For Full Price Product

The point can only be used for normal price



Enable Decimal Point

The point can be earned by using decimal



OTP Verification Redeem Point

The point can only be redeemed by using OTP that sent by using WhatsApp



IV. Outlet Configuration

Step 1. Select Outlet then Click Edit

Edit Outlet

Step 2. Click on the Loyalty tab and choose Yes to Enable Loyalty Point

Enable Loyalty Point

[Tutorial Video] Prepaid Point

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