When Purchasing products from a Supplier, sometimes there are cases where the purchased products are damaged or not as expected, and these products need to be returned to the Supplier. Currently, we have a record of every purchase return transaction. You can review the details below:
Step 1. Go to Reports, Click More Menu, then Choose Purchase Return
Step 2. Purchase Return Report was Displayed
You also can use a filter to customize the Report Display :
Column Name | Description |
Name | Name of Product and variant |
Code | SKU of variant |
Quantity | Quantity product |
Unit Price | Total quantity refunded |
% | Discount purchase return |
Total(Rp) | Total Amount of purchase return |
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To check how many qty items were purchased in a certain period, you can check the following article: Report Product Bought
To check the history of purchasing goods, you can check this article: Purchase Report Detail
Check out the following articles for more information about sales reports: Report Menu Introduction