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Transfer Inventory Between Outlets
Transfer Inventory Between Outlets

Learn how to transfer stocks between outlets by using Transfer Order

Teguh Warsono avatar
Written by Teguh Warsono
Updated over a week ago

Under certain conditions, Transfer Inventory occurs when the product stocks from outlets are empty or low in stock and you want to make transfer orders from the warehouse to your outlet to maintain the available stocks from the outlet. But, if you have multiple outlets and each outlet has its own inventory besides the warehouse, you can also make transfer orders to one another outlet in order to keep the quantity from stocks always available at any time.

To simplify the process of stock movement (stock mutation) from the warehouse to the outlets or from the outlet to the outlet, DealPOS provides 4 types of transfer orders that you can choose according to the type of your business needs. The types of transfer orders that DealPOS provides are:

  • Instant

  • 2 Steps (Dispatch + Receive)

  • 3 Steps (Request + Dispatch + Receive)

  • 4 Steps (Request + Approve + Dispatch + Receive)

I. How To Activate Configuration

Step 1. Go to Setup, then Click More Menu

Step 2. Select Module (Configuration)

Step 3. Go to Logistics Tab, Setting Workflow, then Click Save

II. Transfer Order Flow Description

You can follow the steps below to see how the configurations for each kind of Transfer Order Workflows work:

A. Instant

On the instant transfer order workflow, you can instantly send and receive the stocks to/from another outlet.

Step 1. Go to Logistic, then Click New

After you click the 'New' button, You will go to the 'New Transfer Order' page. Select the sending outlet and the receiver outlet then input the product item you want to send then click the process button to make the transfer order.

New Transfer Order Instant
Transfer Order Instant

Step 2. Status Received

The status on the Outlet Transfer Order invoice will be instantly become 'Received' and automatically reduce the sender's outlet stock and the stocks will be added to the recipient's outlet stock.

Received Transfer Order

B. 2 Steps (Dispatch + Receive)

On the 2 steps transfer order workflow, There will be two steps to make the transfer order between outlets. At first, the sender's outlet stock will be set to Dispatched if the products are still in the shipping process. After the shipping process is completed, the receiver's outlet needs to Receive the stocks that come from the sender's outlet in order to increase the receiver's stock inventory.

Step 1. Go to Logistics, then Click New

After clicking the 'New' button, You will go to the 'New Transfer Order' page. Select the sending outlet and the receiver outlet, then input the product item you want to send, then click the process button to make the transfer order.

Transfer Order 2 Steps

Step 2. Status Dispatched

The status on the Transfer Order invoice will be immediately changed to 'Dispatched', which means the product is still in the process of being shipped. In the 'Dispatched' status, the product stock has been reduced at the sending outlet but the recipient's stock outlet has not increased because it has not been received. The stock at the receiving outlet will increase if you press the 'Received Delivery' button.

Status Dispatched
Receive Delivery

Step 3. Status Received

The status on the Outlet Transfer Order invoice will immediately change to 'Received'* and automatically reduce the sender's outlet stock and the stocks will be added to the recipient's outlet stock.

Recieve Delivery Transfer

Notes :

To be able to receive the transfer order from the sender's outlet, your user group must have been given the Roles to be able to receive the transfer order. To give this role permission to your group user you can go to the User menu, group, select your group user, go to Logistic, More permission, and tick the TransferOrderReceiver.

Transfer Order Receiver

C. 3 Steps (Request + Dispatch + Receive)

On the 3 steps transfer order workflow, There is an additional process to make a transfer order. The receiver outlet can make Requests to another outlet if their stocks of goods are low on stock.

Step 1. Go to Logistic, then Click New

After clicking the 'New' button, You will go to the 'New Transfer Order' page. Select the sender outlet and the receiver outlet, then input the product item that you want to send, then click the process button to make the transfer order.

Transfer Order 3 Steps

Step 2. Status Request

The 'Request' status will appear in the Transfer Order invoice, which means it requires prior approval before being sent. Click on the 'Send' button to make a Transfer Order.

Send Transfer Order

After you click 'Send', you can select the exact quantity to send if there is an adjustment from the quantity requested.

Send Confirmation

In this scenario, we use 'Hot Wheels 72 Mercedes Benz 280 SEL (Putih)' with the quantity requested 1, but the quantity sent is 0.

*To be able to make a request transfer order, your user group must have been given the Roles to be able to Request the transfer order. You can go to user, group, select your group user, go to Logistics, More permission, and tick the TransferOrderEditor

Transfer Order Editor Request

Step 3. Status Dispatched

After the 'Send' button is clicked, the status in the Transfer Order invoice will immediately change to 'Dispatched' which means the product is in the shipping process.

Receive Delivery

Step 4. Status Received

The status on the Transfer Order invoice will immediately change to 'Received' and automatically reduce the sender's outlet stock and the stocks will be added to the recipient's outlet stock.

Transfer Order Received

D. 4 Steps (Request + Approve + Dispatch + Receive)

On the four steps transfer order workflow, There is an additional process to make a transfer order. The receiver outlet can make Approval in order to approve the requested stock from the receiver outlet to the sender outlet if their stocks of goods are low on stock.

Step 1. Go to Logistic, then Click New

After clicking the 'New' button, You will go to the 'New Transfer Order' page. Select the sender outlet and the receiver outlet, then input the product item that you want to send and then click the process button to make the transfer order.

Transfer Order 4 Steps

Step 2. Status Request

The 'Request' status will appear in the Transfer Order invoice which means it requires prior approval for shipping. Click the Approve Delivery Button to approve the product transfer order to the destination outlet.

Send Transfer Order

Step 3. Status Approve

After you click the Approve Delivery Button, the status of the transfer order will be changed to 'Approve' which means the transfer order is approved and the requester outlet can make the requested transfer order to the sender outlet. Click the 'Send' button to send the product to the destination outlet.

Send Transfer Order

After you click 'Send' you can select the exact quantity to send if there is an adjustment from the quantity requested.

Send Confirmation

*To make "Approve" transfer order, your user group must have been given the Roles to be able to approve the transfer order. You can go to user, group, select your group user, go to transfer order, More permission, and tick the TransferOrderApproval


Step 4. Status Dispatched

After the 'Send' button is clicked, the status in the Transfer Order invoice will immediately change to 'Dispatched' which means the product is in the shipping process.

Receive Delivery

You can also receive and adjust the transfer order, in case the products are broken or being lost in the shipping process.

Receive and adjust
Receive and adjust


Step 5. Status Received

The status on the Transfer Order invoice will immediately change to 'Received' and automatically reduce the sender's outlet stock and the stocks will be added to the recipient's outlet stock.

Status Received

[Tutorial Video] Transfer Order Between Outlets

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