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Making a Transfer Order or Stock Transfer Between Outlets (Stock Mutation)
Making a Transfer Order or Stock Transfer Between Outlets (Stock Mutation)

Make an Inventory Transfer/Mutation between outlets using Transfer Order in DealPOS

Yansen Yulius avatar
Written by Yansen Yulius
Updated over 3 months ago

Inventory transfer is required when the product stock of a particular outlet is empty or low and insufficient. In order to keep the product inventory sufficient and under control, you can transfer the product stock from the warehouse to the outlet.

However, if you have several outlets and each outlet has its own stock in addition to stock from the warehouse, you can also transfer orders between these outlets to maintain stock availability.

To facilitate the stock transfer process and procedures, DealPOS provides 4 transfer order workflows that you can choose according to your business needs. Here are the 4 workflows provided:

  • Instant

  • 2 Steps (Dispatch + Receive)

  • 3 Steps (Request + Dispatch + Receive)

  • 4 Steps (Request + Approve + Dispatch + Receive)

I. Activating the Transfer Order Configuration

Step 1. Open the Setup Menu, and then Click More Menu.

Activating the Transfer Order Configuration

Step 2. Select and Click Module (Configuration)

Activating the Transfer Order Configuration

Step 3. Click Logistics, Select and Click the Workflow and then Click Save.

Select the Transfer Order Workflow

II. Transfer Order Flow Description

Below are the differences between each type of transfer order.

A. Instant

In the instant order transfer flow, you can instantly send and receive stock to/from other outlets.

Step 1. Click Logistic Menu, and then Click New.

To create a new transfer order, click the "New" button in the right corner. Then, select the sending and receiving outlets. Input the items/products for transfer, and then click the "Process" button to submit the order.

Create New Instant Transfer Order
Input the Products

Step 2. Delivery Status Changed to Received Instantly

After the input process is completed, the status on the invoice will be update to received and will automatically reduce the product stock of the sending outlet and increase the product stock of the receiving outlet.

Delivery Status Changed to Received

B. Two Steps (Dispatch + Receive)

In the 2 steps order transfer workflow, there are two steps in transferring orders between outlets. First, the transfer order status will updated to dispatched. Then if it has been sent, it needs to be received by clicking the receive button.

Step 1. Click Logistics, and then Click New.

To create a new transfer order, click the "New" button in the right corner. Then, select the sending and receiving outlets. Input the items/products for transfer, and then click the "Process" button to submit the order.

Create New 2 Steps Transfer Order
Input the Products

Step 2. Delivery Status Changed to Dispatched

The status will be updated to dispatched, where the product is still in the shipping process. In the dispatched status, the product stock at the sending outlet has decreased, but the product stock at the receiving outlet has not increased yet because it has not been received. The stock at the receiving outlet will increase if the receiving process has been carried out by clicking the receive delivery button.

Delivery Status Changed to Dispatched

Step 3. Receiving the Delivery

To receive the delivery, you can click on the invoice first, then click the receive delivery button. Once received, the status on the invoice will be updated to received and then will adding the stock of the receiving outlet.

Click the Receive Delivery Button
Delivery Status Changed to Received


To be able to accept 2-step transfer orders, please make sure that the user group you are using has the permission to accept transfer orders. You can check the configuration, by clicking the user, group menu, then click the user group used, click edit in the upper right corner, scroll down and look for the Logistics column, click more permission, then check TransferOrderReceiver.

Transfer Order Receiver

C. Three Steps (Request + Dispatch + Receive)

In the transfer order with a 3-step workflow, after inputting the products. Then the delivery status will be updated to request before the delivery is processed.

Step 1. Click Logistics Menu and then Click New.

To create a new transfer order, click the "New" button in the right corner. Then, select the sending and receiving outlets. Input the items/products for transfer, and then click the "Process" button to submit the order.

Create New 3 Steps Transfer Order
Input the Products

Step 2. Delivery Status Updated to Request

After the products input has been completed, the delivery status will be updated to request. To send the delivery, you can click the invoice number and then click the send button.

Delivery Status Changed to Request
Konfirmasi Pengiriman Stok

After you click the send button, you can adjust the quantity of products you want to send.

Mengatur Kembali Jumlah Kuantitas Produk

If you look closely, the receiving outlet made a request for the quantity of the product Long sleeves T-Shirt size variants L and M as 1 each, but the quantities shipped were 2 and 3.

Please make sure that your user group has the TransferOrderEditor permission, so that you can use the 3-step transfer order flow. To check, you can click the user menu, click on the group tab, select and click the user group used, click edit in the right corner, scroll to the bottom, then in the Logistics section, click more permissions and check TransferOrderEditor.

TransferOrderEditor Permission

Step 3. Delivery Status Updated to Dispatched

After you click the send button, the status of the transfer order will be updated to dispatched where the product is in the process of being shipped. If the delivery process has been completed and received by the receiving outlet, you can receive the delivery by clicking the receive delivery button.

Step 4. Delivery Status Updated to Received

After you click the receive delivery button, the invoice status will be updated to received and will automatically reduce the stock of the sending outlet and increase the stock of the receiving outlet.

Delivery Status Changed to Received

D. Four Steps (Request + Approve + Dispatch + Receive)

In the transfer order with a 4-step workflow, after inputting the products and the status is updated to request. There is an additional step, where you can approving the delivery process.

Step 1. Click Logistics Menu, and then Click New.

To create a new transfer order, click the new button in the right corner. Then, select the sending and receiving outlets. Input the items/products for transfer, and then click the process button to submit the order.

Input the Products

Step 2. Approving the Transfer Order

After the products input has been completed, and the delivery status has been updated to request. You can approve the stock delivery process, by clicking the approve delivery button.

Approving the Delivery
Click the Approve Delivery Button

Step 3. Delivery Status Updated to Approved.

After you have approved the delivery, the invoice status will be updated to approved. To send the delivery, you can click the invoice number and then click the send button.

Click the Send Button

After you click the send button, you can adjust the quantity of products you want to send.

Adjusting the Products Quantity

Please make sure your user group has the TransferOrderApproval permission in order to use the 4-step transfer order flow. You can click the user menu, click on the group tab, select and click the user group used, click edit in the right corner, scroll to the bottom, then in the Logistics section, click more permission and check TransferOrderApproval.

TransferOrderApproval Permission

Step 4. Delivery Status Changed to Dispatched

After the delivery process is done by clicking the send button, the invoice status will change to dispatched. To receive delivery of stock you can click receive delivery.

Delivery Status Changed to Dispatched

If there are damaged or lost products in the delivery process, you can adjust the quantity of products received. Click the drop down button on the receive delivery button then click receive and adjust to adjust the product quantity, then click save.

Receive and Adjust
Adjusting the Products Quantity


Step 5. Delivery Status Updated to Received

If the stock delivery process has been completed and received, the status on the invoice will be updated to received. Then the stock of the sending outlet will decrease and increase the stock of the receiving outlet.

Delivery Status Changed to Received

[Tutorial Video] Making a Transfer Order or Stock Transfer Between Outlets (Stock Mutation)

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DealPOS is an online point-of-sale (POS) application specifically designed for retail businesses in categories like Fashion, Minimarkets, Electronics, Fresh Food, and Building Material Stores.

With DealPOS, you can manage both online and offline store inventory in real-time on a single platform. You can also sell through omnichannel (offline and online) as DealPOS integrates with marketplaces (Shopee, Tokopedia, TikTok Shop, Lazada) and instant web stores (Shopify and WooCommerce).

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