Each store has its own supplier. Sometimes there are several different supplier but they are from the same group / stores. DealPOS has provided a feature to combine or group several of these suppliers into one.
Merge Supplier one of the DealPOS tools that you can use to combine 2 supplier data into one supplier data. Following are the steps to use merge supplier tools :
Notes :
For example you have 2 of the same supplier data on behalf of Mario and want to combine them into one data.
Step 1. Go to Merge, then Click Supplier Tab
Step 2. Input Old & New Supplier, then Click Process
Notes :
The two supplier data will be combined into one data to new supplier.
Step 3. Supplier was Merged Successfully
Step 4. Recheck the Changes in Contacts Menu (DealPOS)
All transaction data from old supplier will be combined into new supplier transaction data.
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