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Scan Channel for Mapping Product
Scan Channel for Mapping Product

Mapping product between POS with marketplace using SKU

Christian Wijaya avatar
Written by Christian Wijaya
Updated over a week ago

Omni Channel Integration is one of the features that DealPOS has, so that when there is a sale transaction on the omni channel, it can be recorded into the POS and automatically generate sales reports, and can also record stock reductions from sales in the omni channel. Omni Channel integration will make users easier to record sales reports, especially if users used more than 1 channel.

Scan Channel is a feature for Scanning our products to make sure that all products are in sync to Marketplaces. Scan Channel takes time to Process.

At certain times, users must scan channels for synchronization or to update data between DealPOS and Omni Channel. DealPOS also provides several features that can be used when users want to scan a channel. This article will explain these features.

Table of Content :

I. Scan Option

DealPOS has provided 2 options for users when scanning channels: Synchronous and A-Synchronous.

The differences between asynchronous and synchronous include: Async is multi-thread, which means operations or programs can run in parallel. Sync is single-thread, so only one operation or program will run at a time.

A. Scan Asynchronous

When users want to scan channels and at the same time want to use other features on the page, it is recommended to scan asynchronously. Because users can still access the page even though they are scanning channels.

Scan Asynchronous

Then, when the scan process is complete, a notification will be given at the bottom right of the page.

Scan was Complete

Notes :

  1. The advantage of this method is that users can perform other activities while scanning channels

  2. The disadvantage of this method is that when user scanning channel and doing other things on the page it will slow down the process of channel scanning.

B. Scan Synchronous

When users want to scan channels only without doing other activities, it is recommended to use Synchronous Scan.

Wait for Scan Synchronous

Users cannot do other activities while the channel scan is in progress, because the page will be locked (unusable) with the scan process :

Notes :

  1. The advantage of this method is that the channel scan duration can be shorter because the user does not do other activities

  2. The disadvantage of this method is that users can't perform other activities while scanning channels

II. Scan Updated Product

The perfect time to scan channel is when the user edits the product or variant data, either from DealPOS or through the omni channel. Users can scan channels from any menu in DealPOS Omni Channel. Scan Channel is used for synchronization between DealPOS and Omni Channel. When there is a unsynchronize data, the user must scan the channel.

Step 1. Select Scan Channel

Scan Channel

Step 2. Select Channel to Scan

Select Channel to Scan

Step 3. Choose Scan Type & Scan Method, then Click Ok

We recommend doing a full type scan if it's the first time omni channel integration, But, if you only scan because you edit some data, then you only need to scan the active product.

Choose Scan Type & Scan Method

Notes :

  1. Scan Type - Full : It will scan all products, both active and inactive.

  2. Scan Type - Active : It only scans products that are still active

The display will also give you information about when the last time you scanned for that channel :

Last Scan Time

Notes :

Scan update product will only scan for products that have changed after the last scan.

III. Scan Single Product

When the user finds that there are only one products that is out of sync, the user can scan only that product without having to scan all products.

Step 1. Find Any Product, then Select Scan

Scan Single Product

Step 2. Choose Channel to Scan, then Click Ok

Choose Channel to Scan

Notes :

For the single product scan feature, we only provide scans from the Tiktok Shop and Tokopedia channels, for other channels, they are in the development stage.

Step 3. Scan was Complete

Scan was Complete

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If you are a retail business owner and sell products offline and online stores. you can use DealPOS to manage products, inventory, and orders on one platform. DealPOS made it easier for you to sell omnichannel. Try DealPOS for 14 days for free now :

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