If you already have product data in DealPOS but don't have the product data in Jurnal.id, you can upload all the product data because each Variant Code in DealPOS must be the same as the Product Code in Jurnal.id. Follow the instructions below:
Step 1. Export all the products in DealPOS.
Make sure that the data you want to upload to Jurnal.ID contains the Product Code.
Step 2. Download an example of the Product Import Format from Jurnal.ID
Following the format of Jurnal.ID
Step 3. Input Product
Note: For every product that has variants, it is mandatory to enter the variant name after the product name, as shown in the example.
Adjust the Variant Code from DealPOS to the Product Code column in the Journal Format.
After finishing, align the DealPOS format to the Jurnal.ID template and then import it.
Step 4. Import File into Jurnal.ID
Select File, and Continue
Process is running
The product has been uploaded if searched.
Step 5. Perform a scan to synchronize all products between DealPOS and Jurnal.ID.
Open the Add-Ons DealPOS and log in to Dealpos x Jurnal.id.
In the Products menu, Do a Channel Scan.
When successful, it will appear in the SKU section in Jurnal, all products that have been integrated with Jurnal.ID.
You can also check the status of the Product Scan in the Scan Notification section and see whether the product quantities match between DealPOS and the journal.